yellow flowers

Landscaping Care & Information

Landscaping and irrigation guide for shrub care, trees and flowers.

 A newly planted shrub may need supplemental watering twice a week. DO NOT OVER WATER! If rainfall is not sufficient (generally 1"/wkly) you should be watering your new landscape. A soaker hose works well. Let the hose run on an area for 2-3 hours.

A newly planted perennial may need supplemental watering twice a week. If rainfall is not sufficient, you should water your new perennials. DO NOT OVER WATER! A soaker hose works well. Let the hose run on an area for 2-3 hours. It may take up to 8 weeks for a new perennial to become established. Spring / Summer installs will require more watering than Fall installs.
Water your newly planted tree every 7-10 days. If rainfall is not sufficient, more water may be needed. A slow gentle soaking of the root zone of the tree is much more effective than watering by the trunk. Do this for the first several weeks after planting, then cut back to twice per month, then once per month. The soil around the root ball should remain moist, but not saturated.
It is hard to determine how much an inch of water is, but we recommend running a hose with a slow trickle for about 1-2 hours. Fall plantings will require less watering than spring/summer plantings.


• Frequency of watering can be reduced as the root system becomes established.

• Newly planted trees and shrubs should not be irrigated with the same amount of water and frequency as newly installed turf grass. New plants may wilt during the heat of the day; extended periods of wilting may indicate under-watering. Yellow leaf discoloration may indicate over-watering

• Shady locations may not require as much water as sunny locations.

• Any automatic irrigation systems must be monitored continuously and turned off during periods of heavy rainfall.

• Always check the soil's moisture before watering... it may not need watering

• Do not be alarmed if you don't see your plants growing. The first year there will be more growth underground than above.

When to Prune Plants


1. Dig hole one and a half times wider than the container the plant comes in.

2. Remove the plant from the container.

3. Roughen the sides and the bottom of the root ball.

4. Center the plant in the hole, keeping the plant vertical.

5. Top of root ball should be level with the surrounding soil surface. This may require adding back some soil.

6. Fill in around the roots with soil, and then firmly tamp down.

7. Water your plant thoroughly. Refill with soil if necessary, than water again.

8. Add 2-3 inches of mulch around the base of the plant, keeping away from the plant stem.

Spring – Flowering shrubs bloom in the spring on the growth of the previous season. Deciduous shrubs such as Lilacs and Forsythia need to be pruned immediately after they bloom.

Summer – Flowering shrubs like Potentilla and Spirea bloom in the summer on the current year’s growth. Prune these shrubs in late winter or early spring.
Do not prune deciduous shrubs in late summer.

Prune evergreen shrubs, such as Juniper and Yew, in late March or early April before new growth begins. Light pruning may also be done in late June or early July. Avoid pruning evergreen shrubs in the fall. Fall-pruned evergreens are more susceptible to winter injury.

The best time to prune deciduous trees is late winter or early spring before the trees being to leaf out. The prime time to do this is February, March, or early April.

An excellent time to prune spruce and fir is late winter when they are still dormant. Pines are pruned in early June to early July when the new growth is in the "candle" stage. Pinching or snapping off one-half to two-thirds of the candle reduces the pine's annual growth.

The upper portions of modern roses, such as hybrid teas, floribunda, shrub and grandiflora, typically winterkill due to exposure to low winter temperatures and extreme temperature changes. Prune roses about halfway back in March to Mid April.

Do not prune Endless Summer Hydrangeas in the fall. The best time to prune is in the spring when the stems have started to grow. For best results, cut above the new green growth. Endless Summer Hydrangeas bloom on both new and old wood, while Annabelle and PeeGee varieties bloom on new wood.

Cut back and remove dead foliage to ground level in early spring.

Limited Landscape Warranty

We take great pride in providing our clients with the best 
and most beautiful landscaping and hardscapes.

We guarantee our plants are true to type and are disease free. Our plants are routinely inspected by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.  

A one (1) year limited warranty is provided on trees that are planted by Country Nursery. If planted by Country Nursery, shrubs carry a 60 day warranty. Roses, Perennials and Annual flowers have no warranty.

In the event that any tree or shrub dies during the warranty period, it will be replaced once, subject to availability. Replacement plants provided under these terms carry no further warranty. Labor charges for replanting are not included. Additional labor and trip fees will be charged at our usual hourly rates. Client also has the option of planting replacement plants themselves.

Warranty is void where damage or death of plant has been caused by mechanical injury (vandalism, animal damage, mower damage, etc.)

Transplanted plants are not covered under warranty.
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